
Tunneller ‘Setup’ Threat Card (2/8)

  • The bullet under ‘Lever Tokens’ should read, “Place 1 [scenario token icon] each facedown on A, B, C & D. These are levers.”

    Mutation Rule Sheet

  • Under ‘Below Threat Row,’ add: “At the end of each round, shuffle and reset these mutation cards per their mutation’s setup rules (i.e., place them facedown below the 2nd and 4th threat cards).

    • Note: This creates a universal reset rule for the cards placed below the threat row in the mutations Avalanche (Frozen), Collector (Covetous), Hive (Swarming), and Storm (Shocking). Further note that the Storm (Shocking) mutation already includes special rule that is redundant (not contradictory) with the addendum above.



  • Q: Can I use skills or anytime actions while falling?

  • A: Yes.

  • Q: When can I use skills or other anytime actions?

  • A: Anytime actions are very flexible. Most commonly they are used before or after actions during your activation to get extra movement or striking power (e.g., climbing 1 space then using a jump diagram to cross a gap). Additionally, other players often use skills with “Any climber” effects to help each other when it is not their turn, boosting each other’s strikes or offering movement to dodge leviathan attacks.

    The only restriction is that an anytime action won’t interrupt another effect (e.g., a skill or threat card). You can still trigger it; it just “waits” until the current effect is resolved.

  • Q: Can skills can be used on other climbers?

  • A: Certain skills can. The text on the skill specifies that “any climber” may resolve the effect (e.g., “Jump!” (Freeclimber 3/8), “Dig In” (Breaker 5/8), “Heal” (Mender 7/8)).

  • Q: Does the game end if the threat marker cannot advance?

  • A: No. The marker stays in the final space of the threat track. Each time the round ends, you still resolve all other “End of Round” steps (shuffling threat cards, dealing new row, enraging all 5 threat cards). Play continues in this manner for as many rounds as needed for the game to end (win or lose).

  • Q: What is considered to be a “skill”?

  • A: The bottom half of each action card, the effect on your character card (e.g., Fix’s “Hit it Harder”), and mushrooms are all considered to be “skills.”

  • Q: Can I spend 0 AP to strike 0?

  • A: No.

  • Q: Can I use “ranged” effects (e.g., Hornet’s “Sting”) to strike scenario-specific elements (e.g., the Watcher’s eye, Weaver’s webs)?

  • A: Yes.

  • Q: If a leviathan attack uses a non-climber point of origin (e.g., a crystal or a scenario token), what happens if that point of origin is removed from the map?

  • A: The removed crystal or token is no longer a point of origin for the attack when it resolves. For example, the “Noxious Pheromones” threat card (Hive 6/7) only applies to swarms that are still on the map when it resolves.

  • Q: Can I climb into an open space?

  • A: Yes.

Character & Class

  • Q: Can Savvy’s farseer token be “placed” if it is already on the map?

  • A: Yes. Move it from its current space.

  • Q: Can a climber use Savvy’s farseer token to interrupt a skill?

  • A: No. When a climber enters a space with the farseer token (regardless of how), they may trigger the token's effect, which will resolve after any other effects in progress (e.g., other skills, threat cards).

  • Q: Can the Breaker’s “Advance” jump to a crystal pool?

  • A: Yes. All spaces of that crystal pool are eligible.


  • Q: Which of the spaces on the Watcher’s eye are part of the crystal pool?

  • A: All 12 spaces on the card.

  • Q: How does the “Sweeping Glare” threat card (Watcher 7/8) work?

  • A: When the eye is closed the attack affects the point of origin and the 8 spaces surrounding it. When the eye is open, the attack affects all spaces in the point or origin row as well as the rows above and below it.

  • Q: Does a twin still “Flee” if its crystal pool is empty?

  • A: Yes.

  • Q: When playing the “Vortex” leviathan, is it possible to remove the “Graceless” injury?

  • A: Yes. You remove it when you enter a space on the current bottom row.